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Stichting Cultuur Inventarisatie

BANK: NL48ABNA0465133223



Dutch Masters Abroad


Unlocking collections of Dutch and Flemish Masters abroad

Documenting and studying these collections

Promoting Preservation and Management in collaboration with third parties

Publication of the collections through: Lectures, Articles, Brochures, Catalogs, Books and Exhibitions


We want to achieve this goal through national and international cooperation with organizations that promote and support our objective.

* RCE, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
* Ministery of Foreign Affairs (GCE-gelden)
* DutchCulture
* SRAL, Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg
* CODART, Curators of Dutch and Flemish Art
* RKD, Nederlands Instituut Kunstgeschiedenis
* Tretyakov Galery, Moscow, Masterclasses
* M.A. Vrubel Museum, Omsk, Siberia, Masterclasses
* GosNIIR, State Institute for Research and Restoration, Moscow
* 10 regional museums in Siberië and the universities of Tomsk en Jekaterinenburg.

We often work in countries that for economic or political reasons are not able to study and preserve their collections Dutch and Flemish Art.


SCI is an independent organization, without structural financing. The foundation has a board and a staff of volunteers with its headquarters in Amsterdam. SCI is the continuance of the in 1991 founded Foundation for the Integration of Culture (SIC).

For projects, SCI is depending on external financial support. In the past the foundation has received this support by, a.o., the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, the BankGiro Loterij and the Getty Foundation. SCI depends on sponsoring from donations to cover travelling and administration costs.


Stichting Cultuur Inventarisatie
Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 108-I
1011 LX Amsterdam

Tel/Fax: +31 (0)639 400 874

BANK: NL48ABNA0465133223



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Stichting Cultuur Inventarisatie
Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 108-1
1011 LX Amsterdam
Mob: +31 (0)5-39400874


Bank: NL48ABNA0465133223
Kamer van Koophandel: 41217432